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Best CBD Oil
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We Help Humans Thrive!
About California Botanicals Direct
California Botanicals Direct is a company that believes in the Power of Hemp! We believe in Small Batch Technology. After Years of research and formulating many different compounds We formed California Botanicals Direct to be the conduit of CBD Rich Hemp products. We have several in house Brands, as well as several other brands that we think are good products. We teamed up with several all organic Hemp Farms to get The Hemp and Process it into many forms and put to market. EVERY PRODUCT SOLD BY CALIFORNIA BOTANICALS DIRECT COME WITH LABORATORY TEST RESULTS and all test results are posted on the website before the product is offered for sale. All items Stay within the federal guidelines for hemp.
CBD is one of 60 chemicals known as cannabinoids that are specific to Hemp plants. The CBD that we use in our tinctures is made from industrial hemp, a non-psychoactive derivative of cannabis that contains insignificant traces of THC. Industrial hemp products are legal nationwide and contain less than 0.3% THC.

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